The Ultimate Guide to Bike Storage Solutions

The Ultimate Guide to Bike Storage Solutions

Summer in Utah means more biking opportunities! Whether you are hitting the mountain trails or riding the roads, your options are unlimited for exploration. 

A key element of owning a bike is storing it and the many parts and pieces that come along with bike maintenance. 

In addition to finding a place for your bike, you can also look for storage options such as bike covers that can protect it during long-term storage and transportation. Looking for a bike storage idea? We have plenty to choose from.

Bike Storage Options

Storage Space

If you have a garage, extra room, or storage shed in your home, you might not have issues with the storage of your bike. If you live in an apartment, condo, or other place with limited bicycle storage space, you can rent a storage unit or use bike lockers. We have different storage solutions at Utah Storage Center if your space is limited. 

In general, you will be looking for bike racks for vertical storage and in an area that takes up the least amount of space, specifically if you have limited space to work with. There are various wall racks so that you can store your bike on the wall directly. You also have the option of selecting heavy-duty wall mounts that can be attached to your ceilings. 

Pro Tip: Always ask storage management, apartment management, or landlords before mounting any equipment to walls or ceilings to ensure it is allowed.

For those who would prefer or are unable to mount racks, there are also freestanding options available.These freestanding racks can hold one or two bikes, so there are options for when you have additional bike storage needs. 

Whatever bike storage solution you decide, be sure that there is enough space in the room or storage unit to safely maneuver around the bike and equipment for easy access.

Pro Tip #2: When selecting the rack type, consider the weight of the bike(s) to ensure the bike does not fall and break or cause injury to another person. Always check the rack’s max weight limit to ensure it can handle your bike.



Bikes, tires, and additional equipment can become expensive hobbies. Others may also seek them out. Be sure to consider the security of the shed, home, apartment, or storage facility when you are looking at storage options. 

Did you know that at Utah Storage Center, all locations have security cameras and have lock checks performed daily. This is a great option for your bike as you look for a secure site. 

Wall and Floor Protection

Bike storage can be a messy situation with the dirt, grease, snow, and rain. There are bike storage rack options available that have plastic coverings that are placed over the wheels to help limit the exposure your space has to the potential mess.

Rack Types

Freestanding racks

These racks are similar to coat racks. They are ideal in a storage unit or apartment when you are unable to mount a rack to the walls or ceiling. Freestanding racks have designs that can hold one or two bikes, providing flexible bicycle storage. There are even options with more storage capacity! They are easy to maneuver for rearranging, cleaning, or moving in general. This is a favorite option at Utah Storage Center.

Wall mounts

Wall mounts are a great space saver, as they allow for more floor space. There are several options of wall mounts. Some wall mount options even have adjustable arms to accommodate a bike’s specific measurements and needs. 

Wall mounts also allow you to store the bike in one piece or separately. Some people like the aesthetic of storing their tires in a specific design on the wall, which shows their bike as “art.” This is a fun option if cycling is a passion of yours!


Kickstands, even though they seem basic, are an efficient way to keep your bike in a stable position. For security purposes, we suggest not leaving your bike unattended. When using the kickstand storage method, we suggest ensuring the bike is in a securely enclosed space like your garage, home, or storage unit. 

Floor stands 

Floor stands are used in most community areas on a regular basis. They are just long metal bars with spaces that allow one bike in the vertical space at a time. Apartment buildings may also have these options. Again, for security purposes, we suggest having a lock and key to keep your bike secure when not in use. 

Ceiling mounts 

Ceiling mounts are a popular option for those with multiple bikes, as they offer the best space-saving measures. However, be careful with ceiling mounts, as the weight of the bike can affect the stability and safety of this storage option. Always look for a sturdy area of the ceiling that can accommodate the weight of your bike(s).

Reserve Your Storage Space

Remember, when selecting the best rack for your cycling needs, you also need to consider the storage system and space you will utilize. If you have limited space or just would like a private storage space for your cycling needs, you can contact us at Utah Storage Center. We have several storage locations and sizing options available. 

Reserve your storage space today!